Meet the Team – Dan Czosnek Director, Engineering & Technical Sales

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job are the challenges and rewards ABS provides.

What inspired you to join the team at ABS?

The thing that inspired me to join ABS was the possibility of achieving more, in a more positive environment.

What do you think sets you apart in your field?

By far what sets me apart is all the knowledge that I have accumulated working in this field for over 40 years.

What challenges have you faced in your career?

Time has always been a challenge to get most things done that I wanted to, sometimes having to choose what to concentrate on and what to let go.

Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.

My overall success with my professional career has been supplying over 100 solar and wind farms with Sonnenschein batteries and my huge success in telecom battery sales.

What do you think is the most important skill that a successful professional needs to have?

I think the few skills required would be patience, hard work, the ability to listen, and help the client to make the best possible decisions.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in your field?

The reason I pursued a career in this field is that Electrical Engineering Technology is an artsy creative field that clearly matches my personality.

What would your perfect weekend look like?

My perfect weekend is peaceful and quiet at a remote cottage, perhaps some red wine and a nice fillet steak – with veggies of course!

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime that you have.

My two most interesting are Sailing a 20’ class racing catamaran in high winds, heavy seas, up on one hull, and at the limits of control and playing musical instruments (mainly piano).

Who are some of your biggest influences?

Some of my biggest influencers are scientists, astronomers, and inventors of the past and present.

What’s your favorite type of food or cuisine?

When it comes to food or cuisine there is not much that I do not like, extremely varied tastes. Always wanting to try something new!

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

I love to travel! I would go back to Italy in a heart-beat for the food, culture, car driving and fashion!