Meet the Team – Al Homewood , Warehouse Warrior

What do you enjoy most about your job Warehouse Warrior?

What I enjoy about my job as Warehouse Warrior is working with my co-workers. They are very helpful and we all get along!

What inspired you to join the team at ABS?

The inspiration me to join ABS is that it’s a family business, everyone is friendly and my flexible working hours.

What most surprised you about working here?

The thing that surprised me most about working here is how much I enjoy it! As mentioned before, everyone is friendly and feel my job is a great fit!

What do you think sets you apart in your field?

The thing that sets me apart is that I’m an organized and motivated person. I feel with these traits it will help me succeed in my role as Warehouse Warrior!

What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your past or current position?

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is having great listening skills because it’s a great trait to have and can help you where ever you go!

What would your perfect weekend look like?

The perfect weekend for me would be laughing, eating and spending time with the people that matter to me most!

What’s your favorite type of food or cuisine?

My favorite cuisine is Italian food and any type of beef!

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime that you have.

Some of my hobbies or pastimes are gardening, cycling and spending time at the cottage.

What’s something that you’ve always wanted to try or learn?

One thing I’ve always wanted to learn is welding.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

One place I would like to travel to is Italy, as I haven’t spent enough time there and would like to explore the country further!